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Software Testing Course in Pune with Placement

Software Testing Course Feature

Practical and industry oriented training with live projects
100% job assurance
Best course material for future use
Real time case studies to practice
Mock interview sessions
Lifetime assistance for job

Who can take Software Testing ?


BE/Bsc Candidates

Any Graduate

Any Post-Graduate

Average Salary of Software Testing in India

3 LPA - 15 LPA

Course Content

Java for Web Driver

  • Introducing the JAVA technology
  • Packages
  • Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • String & Array
  • Exceptions and Assertions
  • I/O Streams
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Collections of Java
  • Excel Visualization
  • Reading data from Property files using the java program
  • Reading and Writing data from/to Excel files using Apache POI API and JXL API.

Introduction to Software Testing

  • What is automation testing?
  • What is the use of automation testing?
  • What do we need to Automate?
  • Automation execution analysis.
  • What is Selenium?
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?

Different Flavor’s In Selenium

  • IDE
  • Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 2.0
  • Selenium-Grid

Locators and Object Identifications

  • Tools to identify elements/objects
  • Firebug
  • IE Developer tools
  • Google Chrome Developer tools
  • Locating elements by ID
  • Finding elements by name
  • Finding elements by link text
  • Finding elements by XPath
  • Finding Elements by using CSS
  • Summary
  • Some Special IDE commands
  • Write your own Selenium IDE script without record and playback

Selenium WebDriver

  • Why WebDriver?
  • Downloading web driver Jars configuring in eclipse
  • Architecture of selenium webdriver
  • Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, iPhone, Android, etc
  • What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD?

Sample Program In Web Driver

  • Handel Text box
  • Handel Hyperlink
  • IE Developer tools
  • Handel Radio Button and Dropdown Controls
  • Select value from Dropdown
  • Display all values
  • Select values step by step
  • Capture screenshots for failure Testcases
  • Re-Running failure Testcases
  • Synchronization Commands In Web Driver
  • Why Implicit wait and Implementation of Implicit wait
  • Why Explicit wait and Implementation of Explicit wait
  • Web Driver Fluent wait and Thread Sleep functionality
  • File uploads and File downloads (Handling Window-based controls using Robot and Sikuli API)
  • Handling alerts box and Verifying the Alert Texts
  • Handling confirmation messages
  • Keyboard actions
  • Mouse actions
  • Handling Iframes working with Nested Iframes
  • Handling multiple tabs
  • Handling popups
  • Preparing web driver test cases using customized x-path
  • Identifying controls using x-path predefined functions
  • Web Tables
  • Web Driver with TEST NG Frame Work
  • Batch Running Test cases using TestNG
  • Validations and their usage in Automation test scripts
  • Customized Report Generation
  • Implementing Logs using Apache Log4j API
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Testing Framework

  • Overview of TestNG
  • Environment of TestNG
  • Writing WebDriver Test Cases using TestNG
  • Basic Annotations of TestNG
  • Executing Tests
  • Executing Test Suites
  • Ignore Test
  • Dependency Test
  • Parameterized Tests
  • TestNG XML
  • Report Generation

Working with Multiple Browsers

  • Executing Automation Test Cases in multiple browsers Sequentially
  • Working with Chrome and IE browsers
  • What is Firefox Profile And Implementation of Firefox Profile
  • What is WebDriver Desired Capabilities class
  • Executing Automation Test Cases in multiple browsers Parallel

Maven Project Management Tool

  • Introduction about maven
  • High-Level Overview
  • Ant vs Maven
  • Installation of Maven
  • Demo using Sample Maven Project
  • Maven Structure
  • Maven Dependencies
  • Maven Repositories
  • Maven Eclipse Integration

Version Controlling Tool GITHUB

  • Downloading and configuring GitHub
  • Difference between CVC Versus DVC
  • Basic Git Commands
  • Working with Repositories
  • Setting up Repositories
  • Local and Remote Repositories
  • Create repository and cloning projects
  • Committing and Syncing the code
  • Reverting and Rolling Back the Code Integration
  • Branch and Merging Concepts and Implementation
  • Stashing Changes
  • Resolving the Conflicts

Database Testing using web driver

  • Installing MySQL Database
  • java.sql package
  • Overview of Connection Interface, Statement Interface, Prepared Statement, and Result set Interfaces.
  • Example program to Access Database.
  • Some examples on SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE queries.
  • Some Webdriver examples using Data fetched from Database

Automation Test Frameworks

How to develop a test automation framework in a live environment

  • What is a framework
  • Types of frameworks
  • Data-driven framework
  • Modular driven framework
  • Keyword-driven framework
  • User Defined Keyword driven framework with implementation
  • Execute test scripts from the framework.

Continuous Integration Testing using Jenkins

  • About Jenkins
  • History of Jenkins

Cucumber BDD Framework

  • Introduction to Cucumber
  • Cucumber Installation
  • Cucumber Basics
  • Gherkin – Business-Driven Development
  • First Cucumber Selenium Java Script
  • Feature File
  • Junit Runner Class
  • Gherkin Keywords
  • Step Definition
  • Passing Parameters to Step Definition Class
  • Running Cucumber through Maven
  • Cucumber Options
  • Finally Write Test Cases using cucumber
  • Integrating cucumber to Test Automation Framework

The Fundamental of RESTFul services in Java

  • What is Jersey?
  • RESTFul Architecture
  • Using HTTP GET Demo
  • Test Created New REST Service USING HTTP GET
  • JSON Output for HTTP GET
  • Using HTTP POST Demo
  • Test Service USING HTTP POST
  • JSON Output for HTTP POST
  • Using HTTP PUT Demo
  • Test Service USING HTTP PUT
  • PUT vs POST
  • JSON Output for HTTP PUT
  • Using HTTP DELETE Demo
  • Test Service USING HTTP DELETE
  • JSON Output for HTTP DELETE


  • Higher Package IT Jobs
  • 1 on 1 Career Support
  • Interview Preparation
  • Dedicated mentoring session from industry experts
  • Trainer Is From Top MNC’S
  • Profile Building
  • Flexible Batches
  • Job Opening
  • Intership


  • ERP
  • Data Science Training Programme
  • Cyber Security
  • Sales Force
  • RPA (Robotic process automation )
  • AWS Training
  • Python Development
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Statistical Analysis Software (SAS)
  • Cloud Security
  • AI & Deep Analysis

Contact Global Techsys For More Info : 8308998128, 8308405445

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